Important Price Increase Notice


Dear Valued Customer and Brokers,

As you know, we at OrlandoFlyers are committed to brining only the best and highest-quality print products.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and global economy, the cost of raw materials such as shipping, print supplies, and labor has increased drastically since 2020.  In the past we have absorbed the increasing cost associated with our products, as our pricing has remained stable for the past 10 years. But the current rise of costs is so intense, that we no longer can absorb these cost increases. Therefore, to stay committed to our company values we have announced earlier that from December 6th, 2021 we are increasing the prices of our products.

We hope that these price increases will be temporary until the economy stabilizes or our costs go back down.

We appreciate your faithful and loyal support and if you have any questions you can always contact us at 407-536-7806 Monday – Friday 10:30am – 6:00pm. You can also email us at


Thank you, Team